Queen’s Birthday Celebration Service
We regret to advise all that the cricket match scheduled for tomorrow Sunday the 5th June has had to be cancelled as the opposition were unable to field a team. The Neil Curry Cup will now be played on Sunday August 14th 2016. The next cricket match will be Sunday June 26th at the Wardington Fun Day, it is a great opportunity to join in and have a bat and bowl. Please let me know if you would like to play with the village cricket team (all abilities welcome) or have a team who want to play us at mariopascoe@gmail.com.
Wardington Parish Council Accounting Statement - Year ending 31st March 2016 Below is a link to a copy of the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statement for the year ending 31st March 2016. The Account Statement has been subject to an internal audit and has now been presented for an external audit and subject to change. WPC_Annual_Govenance_Accounting_Statements I also include a link to the statement of public rights to inspect the accounts. Exercise_of_public_rights Bob Jarrett Wardington Parish Clerk / Responsible Finance Officer
Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location: Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 24th May, 2016 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chair), Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr A Crossley, Ms A Pasco, Mr G Martin, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), Parishioners: Mr C Hunt, Ms S Merry, Mrs R Page, Ms H Page, Ms J Funnell, Mrs C Merry, Mr P Mason, Mr R Anson, Mr S Reynolds, Mrs K Reynolds. Apologies: Mr N Bankes, Mr K Atack (for early departure) Minutes of previous meeting.(19th April, 2016) Approved and signed. 2. Matters arising from previous minutes. HS2 Update Mr Page reported that we had sent our petition to the House of
Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Annual General Meeting Location: Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 24th May, 2016 (7:00pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page, Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr A Crossley, Ms A Pasco, Mr G Martin, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), Mr C Hunt (Parishioner) Apologies: Mr N Bankes 1. Minutes of previous AGM.(19nd May, 2016) Approved and signed. 2. Matters arising from previous minutes. As there were not enough people proposed in the last elections there remained two vacancies within the parish council. During the year Mr Ian Franklin and Mr Andrew Crossley were co-opted onto the parish council. 3. Election of Officers 3.1 Election of Chairperson. Mr M Patterson proposed
"BY DARKNESS A STAR IS PERFECTED" An exhibition by Juliet Bankes, Judith Lyons, Sharon Reeves, Isabel Wilkinson & Pauline Wood Process and materiality in printmaking Private view 17th June, 7pm Open 17th June to 10th July 2016 Weekends 11am - 5pm Weekdays by appointment on 01295 750500 Events 18th June - Meet the artists reception (2-5pm) 18th June - Weaving & printing workshops (2-5pm) 25th June - Block printing workshop (2-5pm) 26th June - Printing press demo (11am-2pm) Lockbund Gallery Appletree Lane Cropredy OX17 1PZ For information visit www.julietbankes.co.uk and lockbundgallery.com Download the exhibition flyer here.
This Friday (27th May) Wardington Cinema is screening "Joy", a recent box office release staring Jennifer Lawrence and tells the true story of Joy Mangano who overcomes hardship to build a business empire. Please book your tickets now and support this village activity that relies on ticket sales to keep running. Tickets are only £6.50 standard and £4.50 concession and include a free ice cream in the half time interval! We have not had much uptake for this film so please get in touch with either Paul Bimson (758855) or Sam Young (750 871) or email wardingtoncinema@hotmail.com as soon as possible if you plan to attend.
Friday 24th June, 7.15pm at St. Mary Magdalene Building on the success of the past ten years the Friends of St. Mary Magdalene Church in Wardington, would like to invite you to take part in this very popular event, designed to provide the opportunity for villagers old and new to meet and socialise while raising funds to maintain our beautiful Church. You can join in by: Offering to host 4 or more people (plus hosts = 6) for supper, main course only with wine. Providing a pudding for ‘After Dinner’ held at the Memorial Hall. Simply purchasing a ticket to attend the evening’s activities. The evening will begin with a drinks reception in the churchyard when you will have the
Please join us on Friday 27th May when we are screening the amazing true story of Joy Magano a self-made millionaire who created her own business empire! Unfortunately due to price increases implemented on us by the screening company, the price of all tickets has had to be raised by 50p, so now Standard tickets are £6.50 and Concessions are £4.5o. We are sorry for this, but all profits will still go back into the upkeep of the memorial hall. We look forward to seeing you all there, don't forget you are welcome to bring your own food and drink, but you also still receive a free ice cream in the half time interval! There is also a raffle and prize
In the Wardington Parish Community Led Plan, published in 2015, there is mention on page 5 of proposed plans to develop, do improvement works to, and provide a bench at The Old Horse Pond, opposite Chapel Cottages, in order that it may be enjoyed by villagers. Earlier this year a fence was erected in front of the pond thereby including it within private property, and effectively removing access to it from the general public, meaning the above plans can not be enacted. We intend to bring this matter up at the forthcoming AGM of the Parish Council on 24th May 2016, albeit the Parish Council are already aware of the matter and have previously requested the fence be removed. In