Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting – 10th January 2017
Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location: Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 10th January, 2017 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr M Patterson, Mrs A Pasco, Mr G Martin. Mr I Franklin, Mr A Crossley. Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk) Parishioners: Ms J Funnell Apologies: Mr N Bankes, Mr K Atack (for late arrival) In the absence of Mr Page (Chairman), Mrs A Pasco was elected to chair the meeting. 1. Minutes of previous meeting. (22th November, 2016) Approved and signed. 2. Matters arising from previous minutes. 2.1 HS2 Update Mr Patterson reported that the House of Lords Select Committee had issued a ‘Special Report’ in December 2016 but there had been no specific mention