General interest

Wardington Fete – Saturday 1st Sept.

Wardington Fete & Horticultural Show will be on Saturday 1st September from 2 - 5pm in the gardens of the Manor. Mrs Evelyn Phillips will open the fete at 2pm. Attractions include Horticultural classes, Morris Dancers, Bulb Stall, Cream Teas, Tombola, Games, Cake Stall, Pimms & strawberries. To raise money for Dogs for Good and the Memorial Hall. There will be a dog and handler from Dogs for Good at the fete. This year's fete is kindly sponsored by Mansion Hill Vets of Middleton Cheney. Download the poster here.  

HS2 Update

HS2 Update   Wardington Parish Council have received an update regarding the progress of the following HS2 related work. By following the link in 3c more information is available.                                           The following link is a notice of works in your area,Chipping Warden relief road and site compound. RR-Compound_ChippingWarden   1.       Road Improvements Wardington and Chipping Warden: a.       Wardington road improvements are planned to be carried out in autumn. b.      Chipping Warden Relief Road is due to start in August with the site set up / compound work starting. Please see attached a notification for the works. 2.       U&A regarding engagement

Eurogarages refusal – please write to the Banbury Guardian – deadline Monday

The Banbury Guardian is hoping we are going to write them letters to discuss the refusal of Eurogarages planning application so PLEASE do write to them after you read their smashing article by reporter Stuart Prestidge online: and no doubt in next weeks paper so do get one!   Write to: Stuart Prestige who wrote the article at:   Rosy ROSY BURKE Rosy Burke, 19 Banbury Rd, Chacombe, Banbury, Oxon OX17 2JN, UKT  • +44 (0)1295 712660   E • * Long Listing Judge of the BBC Countryfile Photo Competition 2009-2017* Winner BBC Countryfile Photo Competition, Judges Prize 2005

Safari Supper 2018 – Now Booking

Tickets are selling well so make sure you don't miss out on this really fun evening. If you've never been before, be assured that it's relaxed, fun and above all welcoming. And if anyone with a family is hesitating because of childcare, then just ask me (750765) and I'll put you in touch with plenty of great babysitters! We're still looking for a couple of hosts, so why not volunteer? Tickets and further info: Philippa Hunt, Stud Farm House, Wardington, OX17 1RU. Telephone: 01295 758 087 MID-SUMMER SAFARI SUPPER Saturday 23rd June 2018 Building on the success of the past ten years the Friends of St. Mary Magdalene Church in Wardington, would like to invite you to take part in

Book your tickets now for Darkest Hour – Friday 15th June

Please book your tickets as soon as possible for the next Wardington Village Cinema event, when we shall be screening Darkest Hour on Friday 15th June (next Friday)! Contact Sam Young on 01295 750 871, Paul Bimson 01295 758855 or email - informing us that you are coming in advance makes the organisation of the event much easier for us. Doors open 7.15pm on with the show to start at 8pm.  There will be a half time interval to enjoy your free ice cream and the raffle.  Please feel free to bring your own food and drink to enjoy during the performance.  Ticket price is £6.50 standard, £4.50 concessions. We look forward to seeing lots of you there.  

Safari Supper 2018 – reminder to book your tickets

MID-SUMMER SAFARI SUPPER Saturday 23rd June 2018 Building on the success of the past ten years the Friends of St. Mary Magdalene Church in Wardington, would like to invite you to take part in this very popular event, designed to provide an opportunity for villagers, old and new, to meet and socialise whilst raising funds to maintain our beautiful Church. You can join in by: Offering to host 4 or more people (plus hosts = 6) for supper, main course only with wine Providing a pudding for ‘After Dinner’ held at The Memorial Hall Simply purchasing a ticket to attend the evening’s activities. PLEASE BOOK EARLY TO SECURE YOUR TICKET The evening will begin with a reception when you will

Safari Supper 2018

MID-SUMMER SAFARI SUPPER Saturday 23rd June 2018 Building on the success of the past ten years the Friends of St. Mary Magdalene Church in Wardington, would like to invite you to take part in this very popular event, designed to provide an opportunity for villagers, old and new, to meet and socialise whilst raising funds to maintain our beautiful Church. You can join in by: Offering to host 4 or more people (plus hosts = 6) for supper, main course only with wine Providing a pudding for ‘After Dinner’ held at The Memorial Hall Simply purchasing a ticket to attend the evening’s activities. PLEASE BOOK EARLY TO SECURE YOUR TICKET The evening will begin with a reception when you will

On Friday 15th June Wardington Village Cinema will be screening Darkest Hour. During the early days of World War II, with the fall of France imminent, Britain faces its darkest hour as the threat of invasion looms. As the seemingly unstoppable Nazi forces advance, and with the Allied army cornered on the beaches of Dunkirk, the fate of Western Europe hangs on the leadership of the newly-appointed British Prime Minister Winston Churchill (Academy Award nominee Gary Oldman). While maneuvering his political rivals, he must confront the ultimate choice: negotiate with Hitler and save the British people at a terrible cost or rally the nation and fight on against incredible odds. Directed by Joe Wright, DARKEST HOUR is the dramatic and inspiring

HS2 Advanced Works Notifiction – Archaeological Surveys in Chipping Warden

We are  advised by HS2 that Fusion are scheduled to carry out Archaeological Trial Trenching Works in Chipping Warden . Please read the attached link “ Advanced Works Notification” , the notice provides relevant information regarding the works and also includes  location maps of the site. Archaeological-surveys-Chipping-Warden-AWN-C3012-CMYK-30-04-18-new... Please feel free to contact Lorraine from Fusion if you wish to discuss further.  Her contact details are below: Lorraine Kelly Community Liaison Officer m: +44 (0) 07591201439 w: a:  Fusion, Corner Block, 5th Floor, 2 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DL   Wardington HS2 Action Group

HS2 Community: Drop-in sessions

HS2 COMMUNITY DROP-IN SESSIONS   We will be holding our first drop-in session at Chipping Warden Village Hall in May. This will be an opportunity to come and speak with members of the delivery teams (both from Fusion and HS2). We will be continuing to hold monthly drop-in sessions within the wider community to discuss the plans and developments of the scheme. Fusion are working with local communities to keep them informed, and will provide dates in advance of impactful works, ranging from meetings with local community stakeholder groups, to holding further resident engagement events. * * * * * * *   First Event on Tuesday 8 May 2018 from 11am to 2pm Further events Tuesday 12 June 2018