Parish council


WARDINGTON OPEN MEETING TO DISCUSS CDC LOCAL PLAN REVIEW Thank you to all who attended Wednesday evening’s meeting. There were at least 70 of us there. The following is a summary of key points raised and action that can be taken. In response to a call in 2020 from Cherwell District Council (CDC) for land for development in the new Local Plan, a landowner in Wardington offered 2 areas. 4.6 hectares off The Greensward for 20 houses 10.8 hectares round Judges on the other side of the A361 for 5 houses The meeting was told that land offered as Change of Use, once accepted, was subject to CDC requirements of between 20 and 30 houses per hectare. On the total

Important – Cherwell District Council Local Plan Review

Cherwell District Council Local Plan Review Developing our Options September 2021 At this stage the Review is part of a consultation process by Cherwell District Council. The Local Plan itself will be published next year. The Parish Council has arranged an Open Meeting to discuss the Review and the implications for the Parish, including the possibility of housing development. Date: Wednesday October 27 Time: 7.00 pm Venue:  The Memorial Hall Following the meeting the Parish Council will be submitting a response. Individuals are encouraged to do the same. The email address for submissions is   Wardington Parish Council

Notice of Road Closures – Wormleighton

Notice of Road Closures - Wormleighton Update message from Fusion, working on behalf of HS2 Following on from the earlier completed ecology surveys we will now be continuing our established programme of bat and ecology mitigation. To enable this to happen safely we will complete the works over eight phases and we  will need to have full weekday and some Saturday closures between 27 September until 19 November 2021. Weekday closures will take place during the hours of 09.30am to 3.30pm and Saturdays 8am until 1pm. This is to allow ecologists to safely observe and where necessary climb roadside trees to check for habitat. Subject to the outcome of these surveys tree limbs / trees may be felled at this

M40 J11 – Planning Application 21/02467/F – WPC Objections

M40 J11 - Planning Application 21/02467/F - WPC Objections The recent planning application for Hotel, Motorway Services and Office block development, adjacent to the M40 J11, has generated many objections from local residents. Wardington Parish Council have submitted an objection to the Planning Application and this can be viewed via the link below. WPC Objections 21 02467 F 1   Wardington Parish Council

HS2 – Notice of works at Trafford Bridge, Edgcote

HS2 - Notice of works at Trafford Bridge, Edgcote Fusion working on behalf of HS2 have issued an Advance Works Notice (AWN) of works at Trafford Bridge, Edgcote. The works will start at the end of June 2021 and continue until March 2022. This will include full road closures of the Welsh Road at times.   Full details of works are available in the link below. Notice of works Trafford Bridge Edgcote (FINAL)   Wardington Parish Council

Chipping Warden Relief Road Update

Chipping Warden Relief Road Update   Fusion, working on behalf of HS2, are updating local residents on the completion works which are to be delivered over four phases of works between November and December 2020.   Please note that the dates are all subject to consents and approvals from the relevant local authorities.   Please read the attached link for full details: Chipping Warden Relief Road Update_Nov 2020   Wardington Parish Council

M40 J11 new Traffic Signal installation update

M40 J11 new Traffic Signal installation update Fusion working on behalf of HS2 have given an update regarding the M40 J11 new traffic signal installation. There are a series of proposed traffic island and slip & approach lane closures on the M40 J11 in September, October and November, between the hours of 20:00hrs to 06:00hrs required for the installation of new traffic signaling.  This is additional to the on-going Lane closure that we currently have in place.   26th and 27th  September  Roundabout Closures Installation of Ducts to Road Crossings 3rd and 4th October Roundabout Closures Installation of Ducts to Road Crossings 22nd to 23rd  October  Roundabout and Slip Road Closures Installation of Ducts to Road Crossings and Loops to

Notice of Chipping Warden A361 road closure UPDATE

Notice of Chipping Warden A361 road closure UPDATE We have been informed of future weekend closures of the A361 at Chipping Warden during September and October 2020. Closure Dates: Friday 20:00hrs to Monday 06:00hrs: 11th to 14th September 2020  18th to 21st September 2020 25th to 28th September 2020 16th to 19th October 2020 23rd to 26th October 2020 The planned schedule of the works being undertaken during the weekend closures. Friday 20:00hrs to Monday 06:00hrs: What to expect: Full weekend closures of the A361 with traffic management on the road Increased journey times following the signposted diversion route Local movement of our equipment and staff while the works are taking place Some noise from our equipment and lighting around