HS2 Update – A361 Road Improvements

HS2 Update - A361 Road Improvements In case you are not aware,  Dawnus working on behalf of Fusion, HS2’s Enabling Works Contractor, entered administration on 14th  March 2019. Dawnus were appointed to construct the by-pass at Chipping Warden so work has been halted.  In addition, Dawnus was also the sub-contractor responsible for carrying out the necessary road improvements  through Wardington. These road works were expected to start soon but now will be subject to some delay. HS2 have advised us that the news about Dawnus was disappointing for them and the wider UK construction industry, HS2 and Fusion are working hard to implement contingency plans to ensure the works are delivered with minimal disruption. The latest update on Dawnus is that

WPC minutes

Wardington Parish Council Meeting – Minutes Location: Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 4th September 2018  (7.30 pm) In Attendance: Mr N Bankes (Chair), Mr G Page, Mr A Crossley, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr G Martin, Mr R Jarrett, Mrs A Gordon-Finlayson (Clerk), Cllr P Chapman Apologies: Mr Malcolm Patterson (Vice Chair), Cllr G Reynolds Agenda Items Minutes of previous meeting signed Matters arising from previous minutes 2.1 Playground maintenance – Mr Robbie Brown who lives near the playground has agreed to check it on a weekly basis and report any problems. 2.2 Playground RoSPA report – nothing serious raised but small items of maintenance need addressing. Mr M Patterson to approach Mr R Brown about this.  The full report can be viewed

HS2 – Traffic Surveys

HS2 Traffic Surveys Please see attached link relating to Advance Works Notification for traffic surveys to be carried out by Atkins on behalf of HS2. HS2-Atkins-Highway-Condition-Surveys-October-2018 HS2 anticipate that the coring surveys will be mid October for a couple of days and the FWD surveys will commence beginning of November for approximately two weeks. Drop in sessions: The next local-drop in session held by HS2, to keep you up to date about the project in the area, is on Tuesday, 2nd October 2018, at Chipping Warden Village Hall, 3-6pm. Other dates: Tuesday, 6th November 2018, 3-6pm Tuesday, 4th December 2018, 3-6pm   Wardington Parish Council

Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2018

NOTICE OF MAKING OF PUBLIC PATH DIVERSION AND DEFINITIVE MAP AND STATEMENT MODIFICATION ORDER, HIGHWAYS ACT 1980 WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1981   The Oxfordshire County Council, Wardington Footpath No. 27 (part), Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2018 In March 2018 the Oxfordshire County Council consulted a wide range of consultees including the Parish Council regarding a proposed diversion of the above footpath. No objections were received to those consultations. Therefore on 8th August 2018, the Oxfordshire County Council made the above Order under section 119 of the Highways Act 1980 and Section 53A(2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981. The Order, if confirmed, will divert part of the public footpath as described and

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HS2 Update

HS2 Update   Wardington Parish Council have received an update regarding the progress of the following HS2 related work. By following the link in 3c more information is available.                                           The following link is a notice of works in your area,Chipping Warden relief road and site compound. RR-Compound_ChippingWarden   1.       Road Improvements Wardington and Chipping Warden: a.       Wardington road improvements are planned to be carried out in autumn. b.      Chipping Warden Relief Road is due to start in August with the site set up / compound work starting. Please see attached a notification for the works. 2.       U&A regarding engagement

HS2 Advanced Works Notifiction – Archaeological Surveys in Chipping Warden

We are  advised by HS2 that Fusion are scheduled to carry out Archaeological Trial Trenching Works in Chipping Warden . Please read the attached link “ Advanced Works Notification” , the notice provides relevant information regarding the works and also includes  location maps of the site. Archaeological-surveys-Chipping-Warden-AWN-C3012-CMYK-30-04-18-new... Please feel free to contact Lorraine from Fusion if you wish to discuss further.  Her contact details are below: Lorraine Kelly Community Liaison Officer m: +44 (0) 07591201439 e:Lorraine.kelly@fusion-jv.com w: www.fusion-jv.com a:  Fusion, Corner Block, 5th Floor, 2 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DL   Wardington HS2 Action Group

Minutes of Wardington Parish Council Meeting – 5th September 2017

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting   Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 5th September 2017, (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page, Mr M Patterson, Mr G Martin, Mr A Crossley, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), Mrs A Gordon-Finlayson Apologies: Mr N Bankes, Mrs A Pascoe, Cllr G Reynolds, Mr I Franklin In the absence of Mr Bankes, Mr Patterson chaired the meeting. Agenda Items Minutes of previous meetings: 25th July 2017 approved and signed Matters arising from previous minutes: 2.1  HS2 Update: Meeting with OCC Highways & Police (full notes from the meeting available for perusal upon request) The proposed 20 mph limit in the village has been deemed unenforceable and unnecessary due to low incident rate; speed cameras

HS2 Disaster’s Petition

HS2 Disaster's Petition Below you have the opportunity to have your say and stop this project , “Chris Grayling MP: Cancel HS2 Immediately and cut all its funding..” This is extremely important and if you agree, then please sign and forward it too.. Here’s the link: https://www.change.org/p/chris-grayling-mp-cancel-hs2-immediately-and-cut-all-its-funding?utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_signer_receipt&utm_campaign=triggered&share_context=signature_receipt&recruiter=32512334   Wardington HS2 Action Group

Draft minutes of the Wardington Parish Council meeting, 25th July 2017

Draft Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 25th July, 2017 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr N Bankes (Chair), Mr M Patterson, Mr G Page, Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin,                  Mrs A Pascoe, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk),  G Reynolds (County Cllr) Parishioners: Ms L Gordon-Finlayson Apologies: Mr A Crossley 1.    Minutes of previous meetings. (20th June, 2017) approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes. This item was put back to deal with the more formal part of the meeting first. 3.    Planning New: 1.    7/00225/TCA – Mr Clayton, The Croft, Wardington                                          

Vacancy – Clerk to Wardington Parish Council

Following the retirement of Bob Jarrett, a vacancy exists for the post of Clerk to the Parish Council. If you like the idea of being involved with the village, are a good administrator and communicator and can make up to ten hours a week available, the role could appeal to you. Working in conjunction with the Chairman, responsibilities include preparing and circulating agendas and minutes from Parish Council meetings (ten a year), circulating planning applications for approval, keeping accounts, liaising with local authorities and service providers, answering correspondence, e-mails and telephone calls as they arise and generally running the Parish affairs on behalf of the Councillors. You will be home based and require the use of your own computer and