Wardington News

About Andrew Steven

Resident of Upper Wardington and responsible for the development of this website.

Carols on the Green, Wed 21st Dec at 6pm

This year's Carols on the Green is from 6pm to 6:45pm on Wednesday 21st December on the green in Upper Wardington. We will be accompanied by the Wardington Hand Bell Ringers as usual. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served. We will be collecting for the Friends of St Mary Magdalene - please bring some cash and give generously. The mulled wine and mince pies are free, however we greatly appreciate a donation of at least £1.50 each. The event will last for 45 minutes.

Christmas Fundraising Draw Reminder

St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, Christmas Fundraising Draw. ENTER ON-LINE - CLICK HERE! Join our Church Christmas Fund Raising Appeal with Prizes to be won too! Prizes to include: Long week-end in cottage in the Yorkshire Dales (donated by Roderick & Nikki Stell) Virtual Flight in 737 Cockpit - 30 Minute Experience Pair of Tickets to the Banbury Light Cinema Family Day ticket for Compton Verney Festive Christmas Hamper (donated by DSV (UK) Ltd) Barn Farm Plants Voucher Mumford Butchers Voucher Case of Carlsberg Lager Case of Ale Wine (donated by Majestic Wine) Follow the link to the ticket page. Pledge the number of tickets you want and pay by BACS to be entered into the draw. Full instructions on

Road grit stolen – please take note

This morning a grey pickup, stole all of the grit from outside Red Lion House in Upper Wardington. They were seen and challenged by the owners of Red Lion House. They claimed that it was for their farm in the village and boasted that they had taken grit from the other bins in the village. Please be aware that the rules surrounding the grit in council-provided bins are very clear. It is for the roads and pavement in the area close to where the bin is located and is NOT for use on private driveways or other private land. Oxfordshire County Highways are notoriously difficult to contact and slow to refill empty bins. The theft has been reported to the

Carols on the Green, Wed 21st Dec at 6pm

This year's Carols on the Green is from 6pm to 6:45pm on Wednesday 21st December on the green in Upper Wardington. We will be accompanied by the Wardington Hand Bell Ringers as usual. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served. We will be collecting for the Friends of St Mary Magdalene - please bring some cash and give generously. The mulled wine and mince pies are free, however we greatly appreciate a donation of at least £1.50 each. The event will last for 45 minutes.

Christmas Fundraising Draw

St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, Christmas Fundraising Draw. ENTER ON-LINE - CLICK HERE! Join our Church Christmas Fund Raising Appeal with Prizes to be won too! Prizes to include: Long week-end in cottage in the Yorkshire Dales (donated by Roderick & Nikki Stell) Virtual Flight in 737 Cockpit - 30 Minute Experience Pair of Tickets to the Banbury Light Cinema Family Day ticket for Compton Verney Festive Christmas Hamper (donated by DSV (UK) Ltd) Barn Farm Plants Voucher Mumford Butchers Voucher Case of Carlsberg Lager Case of Ale Wine (donated by Majestic Wine) Follow the link to the ticket page. Pledge the number of tickets you want and pay by BACS to be entered into the draw. Full instructions on

LAST CHANCE TO COMMENT: Construction of up to 140,000 sq m on the A361

This is your final chance to comment on this MASSIVE grey box development on the A361. The plan is to cover the farmland opposite the new grey box warehouses with acres of similar eyesores. You may also be interested in the "Keep Nethercote Rural" Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/RuralNethercote/.  Comments close on 1st December 2022 Neighbour Notification (amended details) Application No.: 22/01488/OUT Applicant's Name: Greystoke CB Proposal: Construction of up to 140,000 sq m of employment floorspace (use class B8 with ancillary offices and facilities) and servicing and infrastructure including new site accesses, internal roads and footpaths, landscaping including earthworks to create development platforms and bunds, drainage features and other associated works including demolition of the existing farmhouse Location: OS Parcel 5616

Construction of up to 140,000 sq m of employment floorspace opposite the new grey boxes on the A361

Neighbour Notification (amended details) Application No.: 22/01488/OUT Applicant's Name: Greystoke CB Proposal: Construction of up to 140,000 sq m of employment floorspace (use class B8 with ancillary offices and facilities) and servicing and infrastructure including new site accesses, internal roads and footpaths, landscaping including earthworks to create development platforms and bunds, drainage features and other associated works including demolition of the existing farmhouse Location: OS Parcel 5616 South West Of Huscote Farm And East Of, Daventry Road, Banbury Parish(es): Banbury Expected Decision Level: Committee Plans and documents can be viewed on the Council's on-line register at https://planningregister.cherwell.gov.uk/Planning/Display/22/01488/OUT. If you do not have access to the website, you may inspect the submitted plans and documents at Bodicote House on one of

Reminder: Harvest Supper – Sat 8th Oct.

Saturday 8th Octoberat 6:00pm Wardington Memorial Hall  This highly popular social event brings together adults, families & children and is designed to provide the opportunity for villagers old and new to meet and socialise whilst raising funds to maintain our beautiful Church. Your ticket includes Cottage Pie followed by Cheese & Biscuits. Cash & contactless payment bar and Raffle Proceeds to St. Mary Magdalene   Children welcome Adults £15.00 – OAP £12.00 - Children 9-16 years £7 – Under 8 years old FOC   TO SECURE YOUR TICKETS PLEASE EMAIL: Steve.mlawrie@btinternet.com or Call Steve Mackenzie-Lawrie on 07950 411 373

Harvest Supper – Sat 8th Oct.

Saturday 8th Octoberat 6:00pm Wardington Memorial Hall  This highly popular social event brings together adults, families & children and is designed to provide the opportunity for villagers old and new to meet and socialise whilst raising funds to maintain our beautiful Church. Your ticket includes Cottage Pie followed by Cheese & Biscuits. Cash & contactless payment bar and Raffle Proceeds to St. Mary Magdalene   Children welcome Adults £15.00 – OAP £12.00 - Children 9-16 years £7 – Under 8 years old FOC   TO SECURE YOUR TICKETS PLEASE EMAIL: Steve.mlawrie@btinternet.com or Call Steve Mackenzie-Lawrie on 07950 411 373