Clubs & Groups

Flood in Upper Wardington

Flood in Upper Wardington Wardington Parish Council have been in contact with OCC Engagement Team for Highway Maintenance  regarding this problem. Since then, the drains have been pumped but with no significant result. The issue has now been escalated via the OCC Engagement team to the Land Drainage Officer and we have stressed that this is an emergency priority. When action will be taken, we have no time frame, we can only hope that it is sooner rather than later. The parish council understand that residents are becoming more and more disgruntled. However, the parish council cannot resolve the problem on its own, it can only report and apply pressure to the responsible authorities. Wardington Parish Council

Wardington Garden Club – AGM Tuesday 26th March at 7.30pm

Do you enjoy looking at gardens? Did you know Wardington has a Garden club? We have about 5 garden visits a year and an AGM on 26th March. Most garden visits take place between April & September on a Tuesday early evening. If you would like to join or find out more, please contact Malcolm Patterson or Ginny Steven The AGM is on Tuesday 26th March at 7.30pm in the Memorial Hall. Come along for a glass of wine, enter the raffle and sign up. Membership £10 per year which entitles you to 10% off at Farnborough Garden Centre. No gardening knowledge required - just enthusiasm!

Wardington Playground – New Trim Trail Now Open

Wardington Playground New Trim Trail Now Open The Parish Council is pleased to announce that the Trim Trial is now open for use. It passed the official safety inspection on Wednesday The safety fencing has been removed. Many thanks to the volunteers who spread the wood chippings under it on Sunday They enabled it to pass the inspection on schedule   Wardington Parish Council

Wardington Playground – Playground 200 Club

Wardington Playground Playground 200 Club After 20+ years Wardington Parish Council have taken the decision to end the Playground 200 Club Over recent years there has been a steady decline in the number of members of the Club. As a result income from this source has gradually decreased. This, coupled with recently imposed bank charges, has meant that maintaining the 200 Club is now of negligible net benefit to the upkeep of the Playground. The Parish Council recognize the importance of the Playground to the local community and are committed to maintaining it for the benefit of current and future generations. It will be funded by continuing to take advantage of grants that are available from time to time and

Wardington Playground – Urgent Help Needed to Spread Woodchips

Wardington Playground New Trim Trail Urgent Help Needed to Spread Woodchips   The new Trim Trail, funded by the Parish Council, is now installed. The official safety inspection will be on Wednesday July 5. Once this is successfully completed the fencing will be removed and the Trim Trail can be opened. For it to pass the safety inspection we have to spread woodchips across the area. These will be arriving on site next Wednesday, June 28. Many thanks to Councillor George Page for looking after the delivery for us. Between Thursday June 29th and Tuesday July 4th, volunteers are urgently needed for spreading the woodchips. Please contact Malcolm Patterson, 01295 750014 (there is an answerphone) or by email: if

Garden Club first visit of the season Thursday 25th May

Our first Wardington Garden Club 2023 visit is on Thursday May 25 at 6.30 It is to the garden of Richard and Daphne Preston Primrose Garden North Side Steeple Aston OX25 4SE   Richard will put an A Frame on the pavement to make it easy to find. There is parking on site for 6 cars. Others can park on the street.   Richard came and gave us a very interesting talk about the history and development of Primrose Garden at our annual meeting in March. Now we have the chance to see it for ourselves. Other Garden Clubs tell me it is well worth seeing. Tea and a slice of Daphne’s cake will be provided. Could you let me

Garden Club 2023 programme

The Wardington Garden Club is delighted to publish its 2023 programme. Potential Members and Guests are welcome to come to any of our meetingsFor further information please contact Malcolm Patterson (01295 750014) TimeDetailsWednesday 29 March at 7.30pmWardington Memorial HallTalk by Richard Preston of Primrose Gardens, Steeple Aston.We will be visiting Primrose Gardens in May. This introductory talk by Richard will cover the interesting history and development of the gardens and enhance the May visit. Richard Preston and his garden are a favourite with Garden Clubs.A short AGM will follow. Wine and soft drinks provided.Thursday 25 May at 6.30pmDepart Village Hall at 5.50pmVisit to Primrose Garden, North Side, Steeple Aston, OX25 4SEAn interesting and delightful garden courtesy of Richard and Daphne Preston.

Tai Chi classes in Wardington – March / April Programme

TAI CHI Gentle movement for health and wellbeing at Wardington Memorial Hall   Mar/Apr 2020 Programme Tuesdays March 3rd  10:00 – 11:00am March 10th  2:00 – 3:00pm March 17th 10:00 – 11:00am March 24th 10:00 – 11:00am April 14th       2:00 – 3:00pm April 21st    10:00 – 11:00am April 28th   10:00 – 11:00am * * * * * * * * * * For further details contact: 01295 758084 * * * *