
Wardington Memorial Hall AGM

Having been delayed due to the Covid19 pandemic, the 2020/2021 Memorial Hall accounts were reviewed at the 2021 AGM which took place on the 29th June 2022.  The 2020-2021 memorial hall accounts and the minutes from this meeting are now available on  To view these, please follow these links;  For 2021 AGM minutes (which tool place in June 2022) click on link: Memorial Hall AGM - Minutes 2021 To view accounts for 2020/2021 click on link: Memorial Hall - Accounts - 2020-2021 In addition, the 2020 AGM minutes and 2019/2020 accounts have also now been added to the website: For 2020 AGM minutes click on link: Memorial Hall AGM - Minutes 2020 . To view accounts for 2019/2020 click on link: Memorial Hall - Accounts -

A361 Overnight road closures 28 – 29 July

A361 Overnight road closures 28 - 29 July Message from EKFB on behalf of HS2 As you may be aware from the HS2 update emails, there will be a short period of overnight closures at the end of the month on the A361 near Chipping Warden. This is for security barriers and reinforcement work to take place in the area where our temporary bridge will be installed. The A361 will be closed overnight, 8.00pm to 6.00am on Thursday 28 July and Friday 29 July 2022 with a signed diversion in place. The road will reopen at 6.00am on Saturday 30 July 2022. This is the maximum period of closure and we will endeavor to open the road earlier if the

Update on HS2 Precast tunnel segment deliveries

Good news regarding the Sunday morning precast deliveries. Message from EKFB on behalf of HS2 After a period of testing and modifications, we have adapted the way we load and transport the largest precast segments. This method reduces the width of the load, which will mean no additional traffic management will be required. With immediate effect, we will no longer routinely be delivering the precast segments using the Sunday morning lane closures. The widest segments will now arrive mid-week, as part of the regular precast delivery schedule to Chipping Warden Compound. Please note that there are some segments which, due to particular design features, may still require occasional use of a road closure. So this option may need to be

The Red Arrows today

The Red Arrows will be at Silverstone today, however, after an afternoon trip to Swansea, they are heading back to Scampton tonight and are due to fly directly over Wardington at 9pm precisely. Full details are here

FINAL CALL to action: planning application to build over 160 acres of Banbury farmland

The window for objections is about to close. Please ACT NOW! An application has been lodged with Cherwell District Council for outline planning permission to build industrial estates over 140 acres of ancient pasture on both sides of the A422 off Junction 11 of the M40 motorway. The development would link the new ‘Frontier Park’ warehousing with the M40 in the south, burying farmland once thought to be untouchable. The applicants say the industrial units would total 140,000 square metres and be used for storage and 24-hour distribution. To comment on the application see here Comments must be made by June 30. A campaign group called Keep Nethercote Rural has set up a petition against the plan and also has a Facebook page

Memorial Hall AGM

WARDINGTON MEMORIAL HALL    ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING  WEDNESDAY 29th JUNE 2022  AT 7.30 PM  IN THE MEMORIAL HALL  AGENDA Apologies Minutes of the AGM held on 23rd September 2020 Treasurer’s Report - Accounts for Year ended 31st March 2021 Trustees Report Chairman's Report Hall Property Report Hall Activities Report Election of Officers & Management Committee Any Other Business   ALL RESIDENTS OF WARDINGTON, WILLIAMSCOT and COTON ARE CORDIALLY INVITED AND ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND   For further information call Steve Mackenzie-Lawrie on 07950 411 373

Call to action: planning application to build over 160 acres of Banbury farmland An application has been lodged with Cherwell District Council for outline planning permission to build industrial estates over 140 acres of ancient pasture on both sides of the A422 off Junction 11 of the M40 motorway. The development would link the new ‘Frontier Park’ warehousing with the M40 in the south, burying farmland once thought to be untouchable. The applicants say the industrial units would total 140,000 square metres and be used for storage and 24-hour distribution. To comment on the application see here Comments must be made by June 30. A campaign group called Keep Nethercote Rural has set up a petition against the plan and also has a Facebook page

HS2 / EKFB – Update on the precast segment deliveries to Chipping Warden.

HS2 / EKFB : A quick update on the precast segment deliveries to Chipping Warden.   The deliveries will take place between 7-9am on 22 May. The reason for the 7am start, rather than 5am, is due to the Oxfordshire overnight roadworks on the A361 being postponed by one week to the Saturday night.  It will involve approximately 5 wide load HGV’s.   Last week’s delivery went well as a first delivery, and we plan to continually refine how we roll out the traffic management, as well as form up the HGV’s, to minimise disruption.   A link to the Chipping Warden Tunnel Update, which includes more information, maps and photographs, is available on the following link:  

ABILITY Local Community Bus Service for Wardington and Williamscot starts April 20

ABILITY Local Community Bus Service for Wardington and Williamscot starts April 20 To Enquire, Register or Book Contact ABILITY on 01327 604123 or via their website   To start with the service will operate between Wardington/Williamscot and Banbury. If you require another route, let ABILITY know. Future services will depend on supply and demand. Following the shock announcement of the closure of the Stagecoach 200 Service, the Parish Council has been in discussion with ABILITY and other Parish Councils between Banbury and Daventry. ABILITY already run a community bus service for Cropredy, Claydon, Mollington and the Bourtons. It has become very popular and works well. Users enjoy the exceptional service they receive. There are 3 different membership categories: Pick-up

HS2 – Update on traffic lights controls and road closures – Chipping Warden

EKFB working in partnership with HS2 have advised the following disruptions:- Some temporary traffic lights will be installed on the A361 near to our Chipping Warden Compound. These will be in place for approximately 1 week 14-18 March. They are short in length and required for us to complete an entrance to our construction area on the east side of the A361.   Culworth Road, between Chipping Warden and Welsh Road, will be closed for 4 weeks in order for us to build a highway crossing area commencing on 21 March. Some nearby footpaths will also be diverted. Further information on this can be found here: AWN-Notice-of-Road-and-Footpath-Closures-Culworth-Road-Chipping-Warden-March-2022.pdf ( Wardington Parish Council