
Wood available for next winter’s logs

STOCK UP WITH FREE WOOD FOR NEXT WINTER'S LOGS Regrettably the large yew tree in the churchyard adjacent to the Old School has died and has had to be felled to-day. Whilst it is always sad to lose an old and significant tree, the result is that it has brightened up that end of the churchyard along with the view through to the more recent graves. The wood has been reduced to manageable sizes and stacked adjacent to the south-east gateway to the churchyard. It is available over the next fortnight for any villager to remove some to their on storage free of charge to use next winter when it it will be well dried out ready for burning at

Weekend closures of the A361 in May 2024

Weekend closures of the A361 in May 2024 Message from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 Please find a link below to some weekend road closures of the A361 near Chipping Warden. These closures will be required to relocate a gas utility, in preparation for realignment of the A361 over the tunnel. We will also be preparing the verges for vehicle restraint barriers. These will allow our workforce to work closer to the existing road, reducing the need for closures. Notice-of-weekend-road-closures-A361-Chipping-Warden-April-24-v2.pdf ( Impacts on gas supply, if any, will be communicated by Southern Gas Networks (SGN). Both our workforce and those working for SGN, may be working extended hours, including early morning and late evening during these periods.  Access will

Volunteers for Summer Fete Needed!

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!! Our Village Fete is taking shape with fun and games, music, food, competitions, displays and stalls of many types. However, to make it success we need volunteers to help on the day! Would you like to be involved, for an hour or even more? Why not ask members of your family or neighbours to join in too! Do please let us know through the fete facebook group or email at  

SOLD OUT – The Friends’ Fish & Chips & Quiz 26th April 2024

This event is now sold out. Thanks to everyone who has booked a ticket, and we look forward to welcoming you on Friday 26th. There will be a raffle with some great prizes, and a well-stocked bar. Payment by cash or contactless card / ApplePay.   The Friends of St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, would like to invite you to join them for a QUIZ & Fish & Chips on 26th April 2024 at 7pm Wardington Memorial Hall. Come along for a fun-filled evening. Test your knowledge and flex those brain cells!  And maybe win a prize! Form teams or compete as an individual - everybody is welcome! Fish and Chips included with your ticket. Cash and contactless bar

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Quiz Night 2024 – The Friends’ Fish & Chips & Quiz 26th April 2024

The Friends of St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, would like to invite you to join them for a QUIZ & Fish & Chips on 26th April 2024 at 7pm Wardington Memorial Hall. Come along for a fun-filled evening. Test your knowledge and flex those brain cells!  And maybe win a prize! Form teams or compete as an individual - everybody is welcome! Fish and Chips included with your ticket. Cash and contactless bar serving beer, wine and soft drinks. Raffle on the night with great prizes. Tickets £12 each. Available by BACS payment to "Wardington PCC", sort code 30-90-42, account no. 00169240, reference "QUIZ", cheques payable to "Wardington PCC" and handed to Clive Hunt, Or BUY NOW   All proceeds to

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Extended working hours at Chipping Warden Green Tunnel

Extended working hours at Chipping Warden Green Tunnel Message from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 From April we will be working extended hours to construct the Chipping Warden Green Tunnel. I have attached the notice explaining the work, please feel free to share it. The 'HS2 updates' emails for those that subscribe, are not available for a few days while HS2 make some technical improvements. Notice of extended hours working, Chipping Warden March 2024 The tunneling team have approval from the local authority to work between 6am - 10pm each day. Note that this is mainly for tunnel installation activities and not for all of our general construction work. There will be some lighting and vehicle movements both in the compound

Update on the Culworth Road closure, Chipping Warden

Update on the Culworth Road closure, Chipping Warden Message from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 As you may be aware, we have Culworth Road in Chipping Warden closed at the moment, which was due to re-open on 31 March. We had intended to get the road open before the Easter weekend, but this has not been possible. We require the road to remain closed for vehicles, until the middle / end of next week. Apologies for this. We have, however, opened part of our closure to allow for pedestrian access. Walkers will find that the barriers have been repositioned slightly, to allow pedestrians through, but keep the main highway blocked for vehicle traffic. Please take care when walking along

Quiz Night 2024 – The Friends’ Fish & Chips & Quiz 26th April 2024

The Friends of St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, would like to invite you to join them for a QUIZ & Fish & Chips on 26th April 2024 at 7pm Wardington Memorial Hall. Come along for a fun-filled evening. Test your knowledge and flex those brain cells!  And maybe win a prize! Form teams or compete as an individual - everybody is welcome! Fish and Chips included with your ticket. Cash and contactless bar serving beer, wine and soft drinks. Raffle on the night with great prizes. Tickets £12 each. Available by BACS payment to "Wardington PCC", sort code 30-90-42, account no. 00169240, reference "QUIZ", cheques payable to "Wardington PCC" and handed to Clive Hunt, Or BUY NOW   All proceeds to

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