General interest

HS2 – Notice of works at Trafford Bridge, Edgcote

HS2 -Notice of works at Trafford Bridge, Edgcote The following notice from Fusion is to keep residents informed of HS2 activities around the Trafford Bridge area, including Welsh Road closures. Phase 1 Started in June on-going until September 2021 Phase 2 August until March 2022 Please read to attached link for full details. Trafford Bridge Edgcote works update Sept2021   Wardington Parish Council

M40 J11 – Planning Application 21/02467/F – WPC Objections

M40 J11 - Planning Application 21/02467/F - WPC Objections The recent planning application for Hotel, Motorway Services and Office block development, adjacent to the M40 J11, has generated many objections from local residents. Wardington Parish Council have submitted an objection to the Planning Application and this can be viewed via the link below. WPC Objections 21 02467 F 1   Wardington Parish Council

Planning Application 21/02467/F for further development at Junction 11

There is a flurry of activity and concern about the submission of a further planning application by Euro Garages for the area between Wardington and the M40 - Having got permission for the monstrous warehouse, they are having a second go for a motorway services station, four story office building, two fast food outlets and a 240 bed hotel. Their first application was opposed and withdrawn some 3 years ago. The reasons were: Unnecessary: Services already exist less than 15 miles to the north and south Access: Increasingly congested motorway junction and unsuitable access via the A361 Pollution: The air between the motorway junction and Banbury is already one of the most polluted areas in Oxfordshire Type of Employment:

HS2 – Notice of works at Trafford Bridge, Edgcote

HS2 - Notice of works at Trafford Bridge, Edgcote Fusion working on behalf of HS2 have issued an Advance Works Notice (AWN) of works at Trafford Bridge, Edgcote. The works will start at the end of June 2021 and continue until March 2022. This will include full road closures of the Welsh Road at times.   Full details of works are available in the link below. Notice of works Trafford Bridge Edgcote (FINAL)   Wardington Parish Council

Chipping Warden Relief Road Update

Chipping Warden Relief Road Update   Fusion, working on behalf of HS2, are updating local residents on the completion works which are to be delivered over four phases of works between November and December 2020.   Please note that the dates are all subject to consents and approvals from the relevant local authorities.   Please read the attached link for full details: Chipping Warden Relief Road Update_Nov 2020   Wardington Parish Council

M40 J11 new Traffic Signal installation update

M40 J11 new Traffic Signal installation update Fusion working on behalf of HS2 have given an update regarding the M40 J11 new traffic signal installation. There are a series of proposed traffic island and slip & approach lane closures on the M40 J11 in September, October and November, between the hours of 20:00hrs to 06:00hrs required for the installation of new traffic signaling.  This is additional to the on-going Lane closure that we currently have in place.   26th and 27th  September  Roundabout Closures Installation of Ducts to Road Crossings 3rd and 4th October Roundabout Closures Installation of Ducts to Road Crossings 22nd to 23rd  October  Roundabout and Slip Road Closures Installation of Ducts to Road Crossings and Loops to

Denise Stear – Wing walking for Katharine House Hospice

On the 1st of October I will be wing walking for Katharine House Hospice - Banbury because it provides support to patients and their families. When I first heard about wing walking I had a moment of madness where I thought 'I could do that'! My family were incredulous...I can't even go on waltzers at the fair.  Katherine House provides tremendous support to patients and their families. In the last few years I have experienced serious illness myself. I know the power of the support that was given to me by my wonderful friends and family and the professionals who worked hard to get me back to health.  I know I'll be terrified, but I hope exhilarated too. I am