
Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting 23rd May 2017

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting   Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 23rd May, 2017 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page, Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin, Mrs A Pascoe,      Mr A Crossley, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk) Parishioners: Mrs R Page, Mr S Mackenzie-Lawrie. Apologies: Mr N Bankes   In the absence of Mr Bankes, it was agreed that Mr Page continue to chair the meeting.   1.    Minutes of previous meetings. (18th April, 2017) approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes (1). 2.1 HS2 Update Mr Patterson reported that the Wardington HS2 Action Group had a meeting with OCC Highways on the 27th April for an update on the HS2 mitigation measures.

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council AGM, 23rd May 2017

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Annual General  Meeting   Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 23rd May, 2017 (7:00pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page, Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr A Crossley, Ms A Pasco, Mr G Martin, Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), Parishioners:  Mr S Mackenzie-Lawrie, Mrs R Page Apologies: Mr N Bankes 1.    Minutes of previous AGM.(24th  May, 2016) Approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes. None 3.    Election of Officers 3.1  Election of Chairperson.                                                                                

Parish Council Minutes (May)

Minutes of the Meeting of Wardington Parish Council held on Tuesday 26th May 2015 at 7.30pm in Wardington Memorial Hall In Attendance:  Mr G Page (Chair), Mr N Bankes (Vice-Chair), Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr G Martin, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr M Patterson, Mr M Hickman (Clerk) Minutes of the Previous Meetings (April 21st and May 19th): Agreed and signed 1. Matters arising from previous meetings 1.1 HS2 The chair reported what a success the HS2 village meeting was on May 19th. A record turnout was observed and he thanked everyone for attending. Mr Bankes reported that the parish council have been invited to a meeting with MP Victoria Prentis to present and discuss the situation regarding HS2. Victoria is a