Parish council

Parish Council Meeting (October)

Minutes of the Meeting of Wardington Parish Council held on Tuesday 13th October 2015 at 7.30pm in Wardington Memorial Hall In Attendance:  Mr G Page (Chair), Mr N Bankes (Vice-Chair), Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr M Patterson, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk).           Mrs S Page (Parishioner). Apologies: None Minutes of the Previous Meetings (September 1st):  Agreed and signed.   Matters arising from previous meetings 1.1 HS2 – Update re. Meeting with HS2 and OCC on 30th September Mr Bankes gave a report following the meeting with HS2 and Oxfordshire County Council. Main discussion took place regarding the volumes of traffic. Concerns were raised relating to the ‘rush hour traffic’ and congestion for

Notes on meeting with Victoria Prentis MP on 12th June 2015

Members of the Parish Council and the Parish Clerk met Victoria Prentis at Wardington Manor together with George Reynolds Oxfordshire County Councillor, Mike Kerford Byrnes Cherwell District Councillor and Ken Atack, Cherwell District Councillor. Forbes and Bridget Elworthy and Charles Holbech were in attendance. The purpose of the meeting was to acquaint Victoria Prentis and the Oxfordshire and Cherwell Councillors of the problems both in Wardington village and the surrounding villages that the volume of construction traffic associated with the building of HS2 would cause. The forecast of HGV traffic previously presented at the village meeting and a highlighted map showing likely rat runs were tabled as evidence of this problem. After discussion and clarification of the facts presented it

Parish Council Minutes (January)

Minutes of the Meeting of Wardington Parish Council held on Tuesday January 13 2015 at 7.30pm in Wardington Mermorial Hall In Attendance:   Mr G Page (Chair), Mr N Bankes, Mr J Murray, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr M Patterson Apologies: Mr R Fenemore, Mr G Martin, Mr K Atack (District Councillor) Parishioners and Visitors:   Mr Mitchell Hickman Minutes of the Previous Meeting (November 25): Agreed and signed Matters Arising 1.1. Social Housing Due to the Wardington Housing Needs Survey showing lack of demand for affordable housing in the parish, the Council decided to not continue support for the scheme. 1.2. Submission to the CDC Development Plan Hearing Council to support the case of concerns being put to the hearing by

Draft Parish Council minutes

************** DRAFT ************** Minutes of the Meeting of Wardington Parish Council held on Tuesday November 25 2014 at 7.30pm in Wardington Mermorial Hall In Attendance:  Mr G Page (Chair), Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr N Bankes, Mr R Fenemore, Mr G Martin, Mr J Murray, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr M Patterson Apologies: None Parishioners and Visitors: Mr Mr Mitchell Hickman, Mr Clive Hunt, Mr David Gowton (Director, Escapes Landscaping Ltd) Minutes of the Previous Meeting (October 7): Agreed and signed 1. Matters Arising 1.1. Social Housing Amanda Pascoe reported on a message from Tom McCulloch of ORCC stating the current affordable housing need in local Oxfordshire villages was Wardington 2, Cropredy 2, Bourtons 2. The Council asked if an

Temporary Road Closure – Wardington / Williamscot – Road Closures affecting Top and Lower Dawkins

Temporary Road Traffic Order – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Temporary Road Closure – Wardington / Williamscot - Road Closures affecting Top and Lower Dawkins Further to our email of 1 June 2012, please note that these works have overrun slightly due to adverse weather conditions. It is hoped that the roads will be open again by Wednesday 18 July. We apologise for any inconvenience caused. With thanks HJG / T1211 Temporary Road Traffic Order – S14 Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 Temporary Road Closure – Wardington / Williamscot - Road Closures affecting Top and Lower Dawkins In the interests of public safety it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to close two separate sections of road around

Ragwort. A message from Oxfordshire County Council

I am asking all parish clerks, to please print out the attached ragwort poster, and put it up on your village notice board, so that everybody gets a chance to see what this poisonous weed looks like in its various stages. Click HERE for the poster (PDF) Obviously when you read the poster you will see that I am hoping that  you can report back details to myself of where ragwort is growing and not being dealt with in your area.  Please email any detail to me on Also below is a list of web sites that give more information on Ragwort: www.nfuonline,com And put in a search for ragwort Your help with


WARDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL MAIN POINTS OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 31ST MAY 2011 AT THE HARE AND HOUNDS P.H FOLLOWING THE A.G.M 1. STATE OF ROAD FROM CHACOMBE TO TOP DAWKINS AND LOWER DAWKINS JUNCTION The council are extremely concerned at the dangerous state of the road and junction especially with the high useage during the closure of A361. Clerk, Chair and others have contacted OCC highways numerous times with little or no response. So far one visit by the road maintenance team has taken place with 2 potholes filled at the junction and 2 temporary uneven road surface signs placed near the junction which is inadequate. It was decided to contact County Cllr George Reynolds re highways limited

Old Pool UPDATE. Good News!

Dear Parishioners I am delighted to announce to you that at long last, Stage 1 Project for conservation area remedial and protective works at the Old Pool Area may now finally proceed . it has been a very long, uneasy task and an administrative nightmare. I am able to announce that last evening, I received a full written offer and a signed acceptance of WPCs Terms and Conditions set out for such a Private Donation and this morning I am also delighted to announce that this private donation towards this project was most gratefully accepted. The donation was given in a most generous and cordial manner for which I am most grateful for and would like to register 100 %