
Parish Council objects to Cherwell DC Planning Application 22/01488/OUT

Reproduced below is a letter sent by Wardington Parish Council Chair, Malcolm Patterson, to Banbury MP Victoria Prentis. You are strongly encouraged to submit your objection, if indeed you do object, before the deadline of 30th June 2022.   Dear Victoria It was only last week that we heard about the planning application above. The opportunity to object closes in less than 3 weeks. It involves a further 100+ acre warehousing development off the A361 close to Junction 11 of the M40. We in Wardington and other local villages in North Oxfordshire and South Northants are very alarmed. It would be more accurate to say ‘horrified’. The Banbury Guardian has launched a strong campaign against. Wardington Parish Council is still

Call to action: planning application to build over 160 acres of Banbury farmland

https://www.banburyguardian.co.uk/news/people/developers-shock-hamlet-with-premature-planning-application-to-build-over-160-acres-of-banbury-farmland-3721654 An application has been lodged with Cherwell District Council for outline planning permission to build industrial estates over 140 acres of ancient pasture on both sides of the A422 off Junction 11 of the M40 motorway. The development would link the new ‘Frontier Park’ warehousing with the M40 in the south, burying farmland once thought to be untouchable. The applicants say the industrial units would total 140,000 square metres and be used for storage and 24-hour distribution. To comment on the application see here https://planningregister.cherwell.gov.uk/Planning/Display/22%2F01488%2FOUT Comments must be made by June 30. A campaign group called Keep Nethercote Rural has set up a petition against the plan and also has a Facebook page

Reminder: MID-SUMMER SAFARI SUPPER 2022, Saturday 18th June 7.15pm

MID-SUMMER SAFARI SUPPER 2022 Saturday 18th June 7.15pm at St. Mary Magdalene Building on the success of the past ten years the Friends of St. Mary Magdalene Church in Wardington, would like to invite you to take part in this very popular event, designed to provide the opportunity for villagers old and new to meet and socialise whilst raising funds to maintain our beautiful Church. You can join in by: Offering to host 4 or more people (plus hosts = 6) for supper, main course only with wine. Providing a pudding for ‘After Dinner’ held at the Memorial Hall. Simply purchasing a ticket to attend the evening’s activities. The evening will begin with a drinks reception in the churchyard when

MID-SUMMER SAFARI SUPPER 2022, Saturday 18th June 7.15pm

MID-SUMMER SAFARI SUPPER 2022 Saturday 18th June 7.15pm at St. Mary Magdalene Building on the success of the past ten years the Friends of St. Mary Magdalene Church in Wardington, would like to invite you to take part in this very popular event, designed to provide the opportunity for villagers old and new to meet and socialise whilst raising funds to maintain our beautiful Church. You can join in by: Offering to host 4 or more people (plus hosts = 6) for supper, main course only with wine. Providing a pudding for ‘After Dinner’ held at the Memorial Hall. Simply purchasing a ticket to attend the evening’s activities. The evening will begin with a drinks reception in the churchyard when

Jubilee Tree planting

A small team from St Mary Magdalene Church gathered  in the church yard on Sunday around the tree which was planted early in February to mark the  70th anniversary of Her Majesty The Queen’s accession to the throne. The tree, a handkerchief tree (Davidii involucrata), has recently come into leaf and eager small hands helped to build a layer of mulch around the base of the tree to fertilise the roots and conserve moisture in the summer months. It is hoped that future generations will be able to enjoy watching it thrive. The tree is near to the footpath between the back of the old school and the allotments and near to the to the site of the lime tree

Jubilee Tea – Sat 4th June, 2-5pm

Come and join in the FREE Jubilee Tea between 2pm and 5pm on Saturday 4th June 2022. The event will be held in the Memorial Hall, on the Cricket Ground and Playground. Come and enjoy a BBQ, Children's entertainer (2:30 - 3:30pm) and games, refreshments, tea & coffee, Pimms and a home cricket match. Bring a picnic rug or camping chairs and enjoy the cricket. Cake bakers needed! Contact Ginny on 07976 956424.

Call My Wine Bluff tonight is a cash bar

The Friends of St Mary Magdalene, Wardington are looking forward to seeing those who have booked a ticket for this evenings Wine Bluff. Just a reminder that there is a Cash Bar so no contactless payment. There are some great raffle prizes and plenty of delicious wine! Tonight  at 7pm for 7:30pm start in Wardington Memorial Hall All proceeds towards the upkeep and improvement of St. Mary Magdalene

Call My Wine Bluff on Saturday 26th March 2022

The Friends of St Mary Magdalene, Wardington invite you to join them for an evening of light-hearted entertainment, good wine, good food and good company, kindly supported by North Oxfordshire Wines, on Saturday 26th March 2022  at 7pm for 7:30pm start in Wardington Memorial Hall Tickets at £18 are available from Steve Mackenzie-Lawrie (steve.mlawrie@btinternet.com) or 07950 411373 Please book as soon as possible! All proceeds towards the upkeep and improvement of St. Mary Magdalene

Cash bar at the Curry & Quiz Evening on Saturday

Thank you to all of the many people who have booked to come to the Curry & Quiz evening on Saturday. We really look forward to welcoming you. Please don't forget that there will be a CASH BAR where you can buy beer, wine and soft drinks - and there's a limited supply of Prosecco! Thanks again for your support. There might be a couple of last minute tickets available - please check by calling Steve on the number below! The Friends of St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, invite you to join them for a Curry & Quiz Evening Saturday 29th January 2022 7.00pm Wardington Memorial Hall   Teams (max 8 people) and individuals welcome Come along for a fun-filled evening

REMINDER – Curry & Quiz Evening – Sat 29th Jan 2022

A reminder to book... The Friends of St Mary Magdalene, Wardington, invite you to join them for a Curry & Quiz Evening Saturday 29th January 2022 7.00pm Wardington Memorial Hall   Teams (max 8 people) and individuals welcome Come along for a fun-filled evening – Test your knowledge and flex those brain cells! Chicken or vegetable curry included Beer & wine to buy from the bar Tickets £15 in advance only from: Steve Mackenzie-Lawrie on 07950 411 373 steve.mlawrie@btinternet.com Philippa Hunt on 01295 758 087 Philippa.hunt@btinternet.com Proceeds to the Friends of St. Mary Magdalene