
Minutes of the HS2 Village meeting 15th December 2015

Minutes of the HS2 Village Update Meeting led by Wardington Parish Council – HS2 Action Group Tuesday 15th December 2015 Location: 7.30pm in Wardington Memorial Hall HS2 Action Group in attendance: Nigel Bankes, George Page, Malcolm Patterson, Charles Holbech & Bob Jarrett.   Parishioners: Approximately 40   Cllr George Page welcomed all to the meeting and explained that the purpose was to provide the village with the progress made since the last village meeting in July 2015.   Nigel Bankes commented on how supportive and helpful  Victoria Prentice MP had been during the project, especially with respect to Oxfordshire County Council and HS2, and that we were now in contact with Transport consultants to aid our case. The Action Group

HS2 Slides

Further to last night's HS2 update meeting in the Memorial Hall, please click below to download a copy of Charles Holbech's slides in PDF format. HS2 PRESENTATION

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Parish Council Meeting (November 2015)

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting   Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 24th November, 2015 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chair), Mr N Bankes (Vice-Chair), Mr I Franklin, Mr G Martin, Mrs A Pasco, Mr M Patterson, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk) Apologies: Mr Atack said that he had to leave the meeting early to attend another meeting. This resulted in a sequence change to the agenda. Minutes of previous meeting.(October 13th 2015) Approved and signed.   Matters arising from previous minutes (part 1) 2.1 HS2 Update and revised budget approval. The additional cost of £1,000 for the Traffic Survey through Wardington was formally proposed and approved. Mr Bankes reported that now the

HS2 Village Meeting 15th December 2015, 7:30 pm, Memorial Hall

Urgent message from the HS2 Action Group. Come to the meeting. STOP HS2 CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC THROUGH WARDINGTON. VILLAGE MEETING at the MEMORIAL HALL, TUESDAY 15th DECEMBER 2015 at 7:30pm Presentation on progress on preparing for the Parliamentary Select Committee due in mid-January. This affects you.    

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HS2 Community Meeting REMINDER

A reminder that there is a community meeting TOMORROW EVENING, Tuesday 19th May, at 7:30pm in the Memorial Hall, to discuss the very serious environmental implications of HS2, including the huge volume of construction traffic anticipated on the A361. This meeting is intended for residents of Wardington, Williamscot and Coton to listen to the Parish Council's plans and to voice their own opinions. There will be follow-up meetings with members of Oxordshire CC, your local MP Victoria Prentis and others in authority. It is vital that as many as possible attend tomorrow evening. We need to be of one mind and mobilised as a community to ensure the best outcome.

Temporary Road Closure – A361 at Wardington 17, 18, 19 October 2011

In the interests of public safety it will be necessary for Oxfordshire County Council to close a short section of the A361 to facilitate carriageway patching and iron works. A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order is being made to implement the temporary closure and will operate from Monday 17 October 2011.  The estimated duration of the works is 3 days. (The maximum duration of such a temporary closure will be 18 months or until completion of the works whichever is the earlier.) Very limited access will be maintained for emergency service vehicles and also overnight access for those residents within the closure area, subject to the progress of the works.  Please note that access routes will depend on exactly where the


WARDINGTON PARISH COUNCIL MAIN POINTS OF THE MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY 31ST MAY 2011 AT THE HARE AND HOUNDS P.H FOLLOWING THE A.G.M 1. STATE OF ROAD FROM CHACOMBE TO TOP DAWKINS AND LOWER DAWKINS JUNCTION The council are extremely concerned at the dangerous state of the road and junction especially with the high useage during the closure of A361. Clerk, Chair and others have contacted OCC highways numerous times with little or no response. So far one visit by the road maintenance team has taken place with 2 potholes filled at the junction and 2 temporary uneven road surface signs placed near the junction which is inadequate. It was decided to contact County Cllr George Reynolds re highways limited

Meeting held 18th March 2011 in Chacombe Village Hall to discuss the local implications of the closure of the A361 road between Chacombe and Banbury for the Banbury Flood Alleviation works

Meeting held 18th March 2011 in Chacombe Village Hall to discuss the local implications of the closure of the A361 road between Chacombe and Banbury for the Banbury Flood Alleviation works Present Steven Shuttleworth Director Service Delivery SNC Councillor Rosie Herring SNC Councillor Mar-Ann Sergison-Brooke SNC Sue Shepherd Clerk to Chacombe PC James Harper Chacombe PC Roger Bell Chacombe PC Pam Stokes Boddington PC Caroline Wild Chairman Wardington PC Jose Rowling Clerk to Culworth PC Goffe Taylor Chairman Aston le Walls PC Gill Taylor Clerk to Aston le Walls PC Nigel Galletly Chairman Chipping Warden PC County Councillor Ken Melling NCC Alan Etheridge Project Engineer NCC Helen Grainger Highways and Transport OCC Mike Horton Principal Traffic Technician OCC Ian Ledingham

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Traffic Diversion concerns following closure of A361 from 28th.March

Wardington Parish Council I am now able to advise that Northamptonshire CC / OCC will finalise the erection of weight limit signage (7.5 tonnes) during the week of 21st.March. Signage will cover all exits from Daventry to Williamscot on the A361 and from Great Bourton to Fenny Compton on the A423. The A423 is the scheduled diversion for commercial vehicles leaving the M40 at Banbury for travel to Daventry via Southam.   7.5 tonnes will cover one of the bigger Transit removal vans and it should be noted that any commercial vehicle can avoid weight limit restrictions if they require business access. The question is, do they?   Despite the weight limit proposals, rat running will remain a potentially serious

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