General interest

Tai Chi classes in Wardington – March / April Programme

TAI CHI Gentle movement for health and wellbeing at Wardington Memorial Hall   Mar/Apr 2020 Programme Tuesdays March 3rd  10:00 – 11:00am March 10th  2:00 – 3:00pm March 17th 10:00 – 11:00am March 24th 10:00 – 11:00am April 14th       2:00 – 3:00pm April 21st    10:00 – 11:00am April 28th   10:00 – 11:00am * * * * * * * * * * For further details contact: 01295 758084 * * * *

Latest News on HS2/Fusion Work in Wardington

Latest News on HS2/Fusion Work in Wardington You are probably aware of the road widening taking place on the A361 near Old Bonhams corner. Other work on road widening will be carried out in February. This will result in single lane road closures controlled by traffic lights In the Spring there will be further work on the A361 at the North and South entrances to the village and by the Bus Stop. These will involve complete road closures. There will also be road closures at Chipping Warden at about the same time. Wardington Parish Council demanded a meeting with HS2/Fusion to discuss the impact of these closures. There were even rumours of the Stagecoach 200 bus service being suspended. At

Tai Chi Classes in Wardington

TAI CHI Gentle movement for health and wellbeing at Wardington Memorial Hall   Jan / Feb 2020 Programme Tuesdays January 7th  10:00 – 11:00am January 14th  2:00 – 3:00pm January 21st 10:00 – 11:00am January 28th 10:00 – 11:00am February 4th  10:00 – 11:00am    February 11th 2:00 – 3:00pm February 18th 10:00 – 11:00am February 25th 10:00 – 11:00am * * * * * * * * * * For further details contact: 01295 758084 * * * *

A Peal for Evelyn Phillips tomorrow morning, starting at 9:30am

A group of experienced ringers from the Banbury & Oxford areas will be coming to ring a peal on the Wardington bells on Saturday 14th December; they will start ringing at about 9.30a.m. and the peal will take approximately 3 hours. Peals are normally rung to mark something special, which may be local or national, and this peal is being rung in appreciation of Mrs Evelyn Phillips and to celebrate her 100th and 101st birthdays. What is a peal? Nowadays it indicates a minimum of 5,040 changes – where two bells change place – but there is also a long list of rules, some of which are:  Every bell must sound at every row of six blows throughout the peal.

A Peal for Evelyn Phillips on Saturday 14th December

A group of experienced ringers from the Banbury & Oxford areas will be coming to ring a peal on the Wardington bells on Saturday 14th December; they will start ringing at about 9.30a.m. and the peal will take approximately 3 hours. Peals are normally rung to mark something special, which may be local or national, and this peal is being rung in appreciation of Mrs Evelyn Phillips and to celebrate her 100th and 101st birthdays. What is a peal? Nowadays it indicates a minimum of 5,040 changes – where two bells change place – but there is also a long list of rules, some of which are:  Every bell must sound at every row of six blows throughout the peal.

REMINDER: Fusion (HS2) – Community session at The Hare and Hounds

Fusion (HS2) – Community session at the Hare and Hounds Fusion, working on behalf of HS2, have started work preparing to widen the existing road at the three corners on the A361 within Wardington, installing a puffin crossing and other associated road improvements. Fusion are holding bi-weekly community sessions locally. Their objective is to give Wardington residents some reassurance that if they have any issues or concerns they will be dealt with quickly. These are informal sessions to share information about the roadworks and all road closures that will occur in the area over the next months. The next Wardington session will be held at:  The Hare and Hounds, Wardington between 4:00pm and 7:00pm :  Wednesday, 4th December, 2019  Please

Fusion (HS2) – Community sessions at the Hare and Hounds

Fusion (HS2) - Community sessions at the Hare and Hounds Fusion, working on behalf of HS2, have already started work towards widening the existing road at the three corners on the A361 within Wardington, installing a puffin crossing and other associated road improvements. Fusion propose to hold community sessions, bi-weekly, in order to give Wardington residents some reassurance that if they have any issues or concerns they will be dealt with quickly. The Wardington sessions pre-Christmas will be held at:  The Hare and Hounds, Wardington between 4:00pm and 7:00pm :  Wednesday, 20th November, 2019 Wednesday, 4th December, 2019  Please feel free to pop in and to talk to the Fusion representatives.   Wardington Parish Council

Tai Chi classes in Wardington

TAI CHI Gentle movement for health and wellbeing at Wardington Memorial Hall   Nov / Dec 2019 Programme Tuesdays November 5th 10:00 – 11:00am November 12th  2:00 – 3:00pm November 19th 10:00 – 11:00am November 26th 10:00 – 11:00am December 3rd 10:00 – 11:00am December 10th 2:00 – 3:00pm December 17th 10:00 – 11:00am * * * * * * * * * * For further details contact: 01295 758084 * * * *

HS2 – Fusion road works through Wardington to start

Information Notice   HS2 have informed us that Fusion are looking to start works on 30th October 2019.   There will be survey works initially and traffic management that will result in lane closures at off peak times.   Maps detailing the location of works and road closures have been uploaded on the Commonplace both for Northants and Oxfordshire: Information specific to Wardington is located in the Northants link. Full road closures of the A361 are not scheduled to occur until January 2020.   Wardington Parish Council    

HS2 – Advanced Works Notice – A361 through Wardington

Fusion working on behalf of HS2 have issued an Advance Works Notification for Road construction works A361 through Wardington You will shortly see works starting late October on the A361 though Wardington and we will be keeping you updated and informed as these works progress. What we will be doing in your area? We will be widening the existing road at three bends on the A361 within Wardington, installing a puffin crossing and carrying out other associated road improvement works. These works will include the below: • Grass and shrub trimming • Road widening • Installation of road crossing • New road markings • New village gateways (village sign, road markings and gate entrance feature) at the north and south