Parish council

HS2 – Fusion road works through Wardington to start

Information Notice   HS2 have informed us that Fusion are looking to start works on 30th October 2019.   There will be survey works initially and traffic management that will result in lane closures at off peak times.   Maps detailing the location of works and road closures have been uploaded on the Commonplace both for Northants and Oxfordshire: Information specific to Wardington is located in the Northants link. Full road closures of the A361 are not scheduled to occur until January 2020.   Wardington Parish Council    

HS2 – Advanced Works Notice – A361 through Wardington

Fusion working on behalf of HS2 have issued an Advance Works Notification for Road construction works A361 through Wardington You will shortly see works starting late October on the A361 though Wardington and we will be keeping you updated and informed as these works progress. What we will be doing in your area? We will be widening the existing road at three bends on the A361 within Wardington, installing a puffin crossing and carrying out other associated road improvement works. These works will include the below: • Grass and shrub trimming • Road widening • Installation of road crossing • New road markings • New village gateways (village sign, road markings and gate entrance feature) at the north and south

HS2 – Local Drop in at Wardington

Fusion working on behalf of HS2  invite the residents of the Wardington, Williamscot and Coton area to: HS2 Drop-In HS2 Construction Work is progressing at Chipping Warden It won’t be long before they start in Wardington The Parish Council has arranged a Drop-In meeting with the contractors. Date: Tuesday October 15th 2019 Time: Between 4.00pm and 7.00pm Venue: St. Mary Magdalene Church, Wardington (many thanks to the Churchwardens) Ask about: Road Closures Traffic Levels Traffic Management Work on the A361 through the Village Rat Run Control Timing of the Work Programme Help and Guidance for: Local Businesses, Farmers, Residents with Properties on the A361, All the Rest of Us How Long will we be affected by HS2 Construction Work. Come

HS2 Drop-in at Wardington

HS2 Drop-In HS2 Construction Work is progressing at Chipping Warden It won’t be long before they start work in Wardington The Parish Council has arranged a Drop-In meeting with the contractors. Date: Tuesday,  October 15th Time: Between 4.00pm and 7.00pm Venue: The Church (many thanks to the Churchwardens) Ask about:- ·       Road Closures ·       Traffic Levels ·       Traffic Management ·       Work on the A361 through the Village ·       Rat Run Control ·       Timing of the Work Programme ·       Help and Guidance for: Local Businesses, Farmers, Residents with Properties on the A361, All the Rest of Us ·       How Long will we be affected by HS2 Construction Work   Come along anytime between 4pm and 7pm   Require more information Please

Objection to Application No. 19/00128/HYBRID

Wardington Parish Council has already objected to the above application. In summary our objections to the proposed development are: It does not conform with the stated aims for ‘Banbury 15’ in the CDC Local Plan It will increase traffic volumes and congestion well beyond that envisaged in the CDC Local Plan for the site. This will put more pressure on M40 Junction 11, the A361 in both directions, roads in and out of Banbury and villages to the north in Oxfordshire and South Northants. As a result Wardington Parish Council continues to object strongly to the Application. Should it be approved, we want mitigating measures for Wardington, Williamscot and Coton imposed on the developer and the relevant authorities as conditions

HS2 Update – A361 Road Improvements

HS2 Update - A361 Road Improvements In case you are not aware,  Dawnus working on behalf of Fusion, HS2’s Enabling Works Contractor, entered administration on 14th  March 2019. Dawnus were appointed to construct the by-pass at Chipping Warden so work has been halted.  In addition, Dawnus was also the sub-contractor responsible for carrying out the necessary road improvements  through Wardington. These road works were expected to start soon but now will be subject to some delay. HS2 have advised us that the news about Dawnus was disappointing for them and the wider UK construction industry, HS2 and Fusion are working hard to implement contingency plans to ensure the works are delivered with minimal disruption. The latest update on Dawnus is that

WPC minutes

Wardington Parish Council Meeting – Minutes Location: Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 4th September 2018  (7.30 pm) In Attendance: Mr N Bankes (Chair), Mr G Page, Mr A Crossley, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr G Martin, Mr R Jarrett, Mrs A Gordon-Finlayson (Clerk), Cllr P Chapman Apologies: Mr Malcolm Patterson (Vice Chair), Cllr G Reynolds Agenda Items Minutes of previous meeting signed Matters arising from previous minutes 2.1 Playground maintenance – Mr Robbie Brown who lives near the playground has agreed to check it on a weekly basis and report any problems. 2.2 Playground RoSPA report – nothing serious raised but small items of maintenance need addressing. Mr M Patterson to approach Mr R Brown about this.  The full report can be viewed

Gates down Church Walk

At the most recent Wardington Parish Council Meeting, Jan Funnell raised the problem of the gates down church walk (the pathway down the hill opposite the church.) On occasions the small, old, kissing gate has been taken off its hinges and has had to be replaced on its hinges. More importantly, further down church walk, on the left, a gate gives access to the field, but this gate does not give access to the field for walkers as it is not part of the public footpath. On occasions cattle have escaped because the gate has been left open. The chain and padlock installed to ensure the gate remains shut have been removed, again allowing the cattle to escape. There is

Oxfordshire Highways – road maintenance briefing

A message from Eddie Gibb Head of Communications Oxfordshire County Council County councillors asked me for a briefing on highways maintenance and we thought it would be a useful for parishes and town councils too. I have attached the briefing, which is intended to explain our approach to road maintenance, with some facts and figures to show progress as well as the scale of the challenge. Hopefully the briefing answers some of the question you and your residents may have, as we know this is a live issue in many areas. Please feel free to circulate it within your area. I’d welcome feedback on the content so we can improve the format when we do an update in the autumn.

HS2 Advanced Works Notifiction – Archaeological Surveys in Chipping Warden

We are  advised by HS2 that Fusion are scheduled to carry out Archaeological Trial Trenching Works in Chipping Warden . Please read the attached link “ Advanced Works Notification” , the notice provides relevant information regarding the works and also includes  location maps of the site. Archaeological-surveys-Chipping-Warden-AWN-C3012-CMYK-30-04-18-new... Please feel free to contact Lorraine from Fusion if you wish to discuss further.  Her contact details are below: Lorraine Kelly Community Liaison Officer m: +44 (0) 07591201439 w: a:  Fusion, Corner Block, 5th Floor, 2 Cornwall Street, Birmingham B3 2DL   Wardington HS2 Action Group