HS2 – Update – temporary traffic lights on A361 Byfield Road
HS2 - Update - temporary traffic lights on A361 Byfield Road EKFB working on behalf of HS2 have provided the following information:- Some temporary traffic lights that will be installed on the A361 Byfield Road in late January, just north of Chipping Warden. We have published an advanced work notice which can be found here: AWN-Notice-of-Traffic-Management-A361-Byfield-Road-_January-2021-.pdf (hs2.org.uk) As you are aware, earlier this week we completed our survey work on Wormleighton Road near Trafford Bridge and the road is now fully open again. We managed to get the road open within two days in fact. Also, can you confirm, are you aware of the Trafford Bridge repair work being completed by WNC? This is not HS2 related but I am