HS2 Notice: Delivery of Tunnel Segments – 12 March

Notice from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 - Delivery of Tunnel Segments - 12 March We just wanted to write to let you know there will be a delivery of tunnel segments to Chipping Warden on Sunday 12 March, with a back-up date of Sunday 19 March. As previously, the road will need to be closed between 5am and 9am. We will need a southbound carriageway closure of the A361 to allow the wide load to safely pass through the narrow sections of highway near Wardington. This is the same closure area that we used for our previous deliveries. Please follow the link below for further information and the route map. AWN-Notice-of-precast-delivery-Chipping-Warden-March-2023.pdf (hs2.org.uk) Haidee Williams Engagement Advisor

Update on A361 closures

Update on A361 closures Please Note: The two-week night-time closures of A361 for survey work is no longer proceeding. The survey work was planned for Monday 9 January to Saturday 21 January 2023 – no longer going ahead. Other work taking place: There is a very short period of closure required for some line painting under the temporary bridge near our compound on the A361. The lines there are faded at that location, and so to improve safety, a line painting contractor be attending and the road will be shut for a maximum of 4 hours to carry out the work.   We have published a works notice, which I have attached and summarised below: Notice of night-time temporary closure,

HS2 REMINDER – Chipping Warden temporary bridge installation

Chipping Warden temporary bridge installation A reminder that we will be installing a temporary bridge across the A361, next to our compound in Chipping Warden, this weekend:  This will require the closure of the A361, near Chipping Warden, 8pm Friday 14 October through to 6am Monday 17 October. The work notice for the Chipping Warden bridge installation is available on the following link: Notice-of-weekend-closures-for-bridge-installation-A361-Chipping-Warden-1.pdf (hs2.org.uk)  We plan to install the bridge over two weekends with a further two weekend closure periods planned as a contingency. A section of the A361 Byfield Road will be closed 24 hours a day over a period of up to 4 weekends beginning Friday 14 October to Monday 7 November 2022. These closures will commence

A361 Overnight road closures 28 – 29 July

A361 Overnight road closures 28 - 29 July Message from EKFB on behalf of HS2 As you may be aware from the HS2 update emails, there will be a short period of overnight closures at the end of the month on the A361 near Chipping Warden. This is for security barriers and reinforcement work to take place in the area where our temporary bridge will be installed. The A361 will be closed overnight, 8.00pm to 6.00am on Thursday 28 July and Friday 29 July 2022 with a signed diversion in place. The road will reopen at 6.00am on Saturday 30 July 2022. This is the maximum period of closure and we will endeavor to open the road earlier if the

Community archaeology events in Chipping Warden

Community archaeology events in Chipping Warden Communication from Fusion working on behalf of HS2 Following on from the successful TV programme Digging for Britain programme which featured Blackgrounds we have arranged local community events so you can come and talk to the archaeologists, see some of the artefacts (for the first time on public display) and discover what life was like in the area 2,000 years ago. The events will take place at Chipping Warden Village Hall on the 18 and 19 February 2022.  Tickets are free, but you must book a time slot to enter the museum. Each time slot lasts for 60 minutes and up to 30 visitors can book for each slot. As well as the slots

HS2 – Update – temporary traffic lights on A361 Byfield Road

HS2 - Update - temporary traffic lights on A361 Byfield Road EKFB working on behalf of HS2 have provided the following information:- Some temporary traffic lights that will be installed on the A361 Byfield Road in late January, just north of Chipping Warden. We have published an advanced work notice which can be found here: AWN-Notice-of-Traffic-Management-A361-Byfield-Road-_January-2021-.pdf (hs2.org.uk) As you are aware, earlier this week we completed our survey work on Wormleighton Road near Trafford Bridge and the road is now fully open again. We managed to get the road open within two days in fact. Also, can you confirm, are you aware of the Trafford Bridge repair work being completed by WNC? This is not HS2 related but I am

HS2 – Notification of road closures in January 2022

Notification of road closures in January 2022   EKFB working on behalf of HS2 have notified us of the following road closures in January 2022:-   A section of Wardington Road (Edgcote Lane) will be closed from 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday 10 January, for approximately one week. The duration of the road closure will depend on the initial surveys and we will re-open the road as soon as possible. A copy of the advance work notice is available here: Notice-of-road-closure-Wardington-Road.pdf (hs2.org.uk) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A section of Culworth Road (from Chipping Warden) will be closed from, 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday 17 January and remain in place for approximately two weeks. They will be carrying out Ground Investigation (GI) works along Culworth Road.


CHERWELL DISTRICT COUNCIL LOCAL PLAN REVIEW Deadline for Responses Wednesday November 10 Many people have sent in their responses to the proposed housing development in Wardington Reference LPR-A-175. If you haven’t done so yet please note the deadline. Whatever your views, they are important. As many responses as possible are also important for the 42 hectares (100+ acres) of land, east of the A361, being offered for commercial development close to Junction 11 Reference LPR-A-034. See map below LPR-A-034_site Do we really want 50 more warehouses? Don’t forget the Wednesday 10th deadline for both. They must be received by that date, not just sent. Send by email to planning.policy@cherwell-dc.gov.uk or by post to Planning Policy Team, Cherwell District Council, Bodicote

Edgcote Lane subject to closures 4th to 12th November

Edgcote Lane subject to closures, 4th to 12th November. Both EKFB and Fusion (working on behalf of HS2)  have advised of road closures effecting Edgcote Lane. EKFB has advised :- A section of Wardington Road (Edgcote Lane) will be closed on the following week days: Thursday 4 November to Friday 5 November and Monday 8 November to Tuesday 9 November. To reduce disruption as much as possible, we do not intend to close this road over the weekend and it will only be introduced off peak from 9.00am to 4.00pm, with a local diversion in place. For full details see attached link AWN - Notice of Road Closure_Wardington Road_nr_Edgcote Fusion has advised:- To enable vegetation clearance along Wardington Road we