HS2 Update – Parliamentary Select Committing Hearing – January 18th 2016

HS2 ACTION GROUP Parliamentary Select Committing Hearing - January 18th 2016 January 18 was a big day for our village. It was the day when the Parish Council represented by Chair George Page, Nigel Bankes, Malcolm Patterson and Clerk Bob Jarrett;  George Tuthill, representing local business and Charles Holbech a local resident , went to the House of Commons to present Wardington’s  petition. Its aim was to highlight the dangers and problems with HS2’s plan to route construction traffic through the village. We were very fortunate to have Charles Holbech, a barrister who actually lives off the A361, to make the presentation to the Select Committee. Our MP, Victoria Prentis, was there in support. The background is that HS2 need

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting 12th January 2016

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 12th January, 2016 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chair), Mr N Bankes (Vice-Chair),  Mr G Martin, Mrs A Pasco, Mr M Patterson, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), Mr A Crossley (Parishioner) Apologies: Mr I Franklin, Mr Atack said that he had to leave the meeting early to attend another meeting. 1.    Minutes of previous meeting.(24th November  2015) Approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes 2.1 Co-option Mr Andy Crossley was unanimously co-opted on to the council. 2.2 HS2 Update Mr Bankes reminded council that the Parliamentary Select Committee Hearing will be on January 18th. A recent letter from HS2 has

HS2 Select Committee – Now available to watch again

For those who missed last night's Select Committee hearing where Charles Holbech presented Wardington's case, you can view it again above. Charles starts at 19:22:37 which you can find by moving the slider along the bottom of the video window. Charles made an excellent case and pressed strongly for a meaningful and significant reduction in vehicle movements. He persuaded the committee to view the A361 video which appeared to have made an impact not least with Sir Peter Bottomley MP. Time was strictly limited, nevertheless Charles presented the Wardington case extremely well and we are very grateful to him for giving so much time to our petition.

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UPDATE – HS2 Select Committee presentation

Charles Holbech on behalf of Wardington will be on soon. The committee have had a recess and are now back in session (7pm). Charles is starting now. You can see the live video feed here: http://parliamentlive.tv/Event/Index/6f60797b-03b1-4a1f-86b2-6aa206af282c

HS2 Select Committee presentation today

If you are interested in following the proceedings of the HS2 Select Committee this afternoon the details are as follows: High Speed Rail (London - West Midlands) Bill Select Committee Monday 18 January 2016 Meeting starts at 2.00pm Witnesses: Rt Hon Jeremy Wright QC MP; Water Orton Parish Council and Water Orton HS2 Action Group; Lee Marston Parish Council; Middleton HS2 Action Group; Middleton Parish Council; Kingsbury and District Stop HS2 Action Group; Kings Bromley Parish Council; Craig Tracey MP; Nicholas and Timothy Dowdswell; Patrick Dillon; Warwickshire County Council; North Warwickshire Borough Council; Warwick District Council; Coventry City Council; The Island Project; Heref Distribution Limited; Wardington Parish Council; IM Group; Alan and Linda Cox; Burton Green Village Hall Committee; Duncan

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Minutes of the HS2 Village meeting 15th December 2015

Minutes of the HS2 Village Update Meeting led by Wardington Parish Council – HS2 Action Group Tuesday 15th December 2015 Location: 7.30pm in Wardington Memorial Hall HS2 Action Group in attendance: Nigel Bankes, George Page, Malcolm Patterson, Charles Holbech & Bob Jarrett.   Parishioners: Approximately 40   Cllr George Page welcomed all to the meeting and explained that the purpose was to provide the village with the progress made since the last village meeting in July 2015.   Nigel Bankes commented on how supportive and helpful  Victoria Prentice MP had been during the project, especially with respect to Oxfordshire County Council and HS2, and that we were now in contact with Transport consultants to aid our case. The Action Group

HS2 traffic video

During Tuesday evening's HS2 update meeting Charles Holbech referred to a video created by Sam Young showing the unsuitability of the A361 through Wardington to handle the volume of proposed construction traffic. We're pleased to be able to add this to the Wardington website. Thanks go to Sam Young for making this film.

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HS2 Slides

Further to last night's HS2 update meeting in the Memorial Hall, please click below to download a copy of Charles Holbech's slides in PDF format. HS2 PRESENTATION

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