
HS2 – Sunday morning Tunnel Segment deliveries, 18 & 25 June

HS2 - Sunday morning Tunnel Segment deliveries, 18 & 25 June AWN Notification from EKFB (on behalf of HS2) Following the same route and format as before, we are expecting a delivery of the large tunnel segments to Chipping Warden on Sunday 18 June and Sunday 25 June, between 5am and 9am. Please see the route map and further details here:  AWN-Notice-of-precast-delivery-Chipping-Warden-June-2023.pdf (hs2.org.uk) Should you have questions or concerns about any aspect of these works, or if you have additional queries, please do not hesitate to contact our HS2 Helpdesk on freephone 08081 434 434 or email hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk.   Wardington Parish Council

HS2 Notice: Delivery of Tunnel Segments – 12 March

Notice from EKFB working on behalf of HS2 - Delivery of Tunnel Segments - 12 March We just wanted to write to let you know there will be a delivery of tunnel segments to Chipping Warden on Sunday 12 March, with a back-up date of Sunday 19 March. As previously, the road will need to be closed between 5am and 9am. We will need a southbound carriageway closure of the A361 to allow the wide load to safely pass through the narrow sections of highway near Wardington. This is the same closure area that we used for our previous deliveries. Please follow the link below for further information and the route map. AWN-Notice-of-precast-delivery-Chipping-Warden-March-2023.pdf (hs2.org.uk) Haidee Williams Engagement Advisor

Notice of Making of Order – Wardington Footpath No. 4 (part) – Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2023

NOTICE OF MAKING OF         PUBLIC PATH DIVERSION ORDER AND DEFINITIVE MAP AND STATEMENT MODIFICATION ORDER HIGHWAYS ACT 1980, WILDLIFE AND COUNTRYSIDE ACT 1981   The Oxfordshire County Council, Wardington Footpath No. 4 (part), Public Path Diversion and Definitive Map and Statement Modification Order 2023 On 6th February 2023, the Oxfordshire County made the above Order under s119 of the Highways Act 1980. The Order, if confirmed, will divert the public path as described and shown in the Order. Please find attached a copy of the Order, public Notice and a statement which explains the background to the proposal, the reasons for making the Order, and how objections or representations may be made. 03699 Wardington Notice Wardington 4 Explanatory statement 03699

HS2 – Abnormal loads arriving at Chipping Warden Compound this week.

HS2 - Abnormal loads arriving at Chipping Warden Compound this week. Notice from EKFB working on behalf of HS2. We have some long steel beam sections arriving at Chipping Warden Compound this week. They will be travelling from the Banbury area, via the A361 as abnormal loads. The police escort, which is required for some of the deliveries, may require a very brief halt of traffic at certain junctions or narrow sections of highway. Tuesday 31st January  - 1 delivery, no police escort required  Wednesday 1st February  - 3 deliveries, 2 of which will require a police escort  Friday 3rd February – 2 deliveries, both with a police escort These will pass along the A361 through Wardington and at the

Update on HS2 Precast tunnel segment deliveries

Good news regarding the Sunday morning precast deliveries. Message from EKFB on behalf of HS2 After a period of testing and modifications, we have adapted the way we load and transport the largest precast segments. This method reduces the width of the load, which will mean no additional traffic management will be required. With immediate effect, we will no longer routinely be delivering the precast segments using the Sunday morning lane closures. The widest segments will now arrive mid-week, as part of the regular precast delivery schedule to Chipping Warden Compound. Please note that there are some segments which, due to particular design features, may still require occasional use of a road closure. So this option may need to be

HS2 / EKFB – Update on the precast segment deliveries to Chipping Warden.

HS2 / EKFB : A quick update on the precast segment deliveries to Chipping Warden.   The deliveries will take place between 7-9am on 22 May. The reason for the 7am start, rather than 5am, is due to the Oxfordshire overnight roadworks on the A361 being postponed by one week to the Saturday night.  It will involve approximately 5 wide load HGV’s.   Last week’s delivery went well as a first delivery, and we plan to continually refine how we roll out the traffic management, as well as form up the HGV’s, to minimise disruption.   A link to the Chipping Warden Tunnel Update, which includes more information, maps and photographs, is available on the following link:   https://assets.hs2.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/AWN_Notice-of-Green-Tunnel-Works_May_2022.pdf  

Stagecoach bus ‘Service 200’ secured for an additional period

Announcement from Stagecoach Stagecoach Service 200 Update Banbury – Daventry Service 200 secured for an additional period We are pleased to confirm that local authority funding has been secured to enable us to continue running service 200 between Banbury and Daventry for an additional period. The service will operate to its current timetable up until 27th August 2022. This interim support has been jointly provided by West Northamptonshire Council and Oxfordshire County Council, in order to allow further consideration of the potential options in relation to the long term future of public transport connectivity in the area.

HS2 – Update – temporary traffic lights on A361 Byfield Road

HS2 - Update - temporary traffic lights on A361 Byfield Road EKFB working on behalf of HS2 have provided the following information:- Some temporary traffic lights that will be installed on the A361 Byfield Road in late January, just north of Chipping Warden. We have published an advanced work notice which can be found here: AWN-Notice-of-Traffic-Management-A361-Byfield-Road-_January-2021-.pdf (hs2.org.uk) As you are aware, earlier this week we completed our survey work on Wormleighton Road near Trafford Bridge and the road is now fully open again. We managed to get the road open within two days in fact. Also, can you confirm, are you aware of the Trafford Bridge repair work being completed by WNC? This is not HS2 related but I am

HS2 – Notification of road closures in January 2022

Notification of road closures in January 2022   EKFB working on behalf of HS2 have notified us of the following road closures in January 2022:-   A section of Wardington Road (Edgcote Lane) will be closed from 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday 10 January, for approximately one week. The duration of the road closure will depend on the initial surveys and we will re-open the road as soon as possible. A copy of the advance work notice is available here: Notice-of-road-closure-Wardington-Road.pdf (hs2.org.uk) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A section of Culworth Road (from Chipping Warden) will be closed from, 8.00am to 6.00pm, Monday 17 January and remain in place for approximately two weeks. They will be carrying out Ground Investigation (GI) works along Culworth Road.