Wardington Parish Council Accounting Statement – Year Ending 31st March 2016

Wardington Parish Council Accounting Statement - Year ending 31st March 2016 Below is a link to a copy of the Annual Governance Statement and the Accounting Statement for the year ending 31st March 2016. The Account Statement has been subject to an internal audit and has now been presented for an external audit and subject to change. WPC_Annual_Govenance_Accounting_Statements I also include a link to the statement of public rights to inspect the accounts. Exercise_of_public_rights   Bob Jarrett Wardington Parish Clerk / Responsible Finance Officer  

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting – 24th May 2016

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting   Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 24th May, 2016 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chair), Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr A Crossley,              Ms A Pasco, Mr G Martin, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), Parishioners: Mr C Hunt, Ms S Merry, Mrs R Page, Ms H Page, Ms J Funnell, Mrs C Merry, Mr P Mason, Mr R Anson, Mr S Reynolds, Mrs K Reynolds. Apologies: Mr N Bankes, Mr K Atack (for early departure)   Minutes of previous meeting.(19th April, 2016) Approved and signed.   2. Matters arising from previous minutes. HS2 Update Mr Page reported that we had sent our petition to the House of

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council AGM – 24th May 2016

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Annual General  Meeting   Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 24th May, 2016 (7:00pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page, Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr A Crossley, Ms A Pasco, Mr G Martin, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk),  Mr C Hunt (Parishioner) Apologies: Mr N Bankes 1.    Minutes of previous AGM.(19nd May, 2016) Approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes. As there were not enough people proposed in the last elections there remained two vacancies within the parish council. During the year Mr Ian Franklin and Mr Andrew Crossley were co-opted onto the parish council. 3.    Election of Officers 3.1  Election of Chairperson. Mr M Patterson proposed

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting 19th April 2016

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 19th April, 2016 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chair), Mr M Patterson, Mr I Franklin, Mr A Crossley,   Ms A Pasco, Mr G Martin,               Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), Apologies: None 1.    Minutes of previous meeting.(22nd March, 2016) Approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes. HS2 Update Mr Page reported that the Action Group had a meeting on the 6th April 2016, which was also attended by Victoria Prentis MP and Stephanie Garnett. At that meeting it was decided to petition the House of Lords, in a similar way to how we had petitioned the House of Commons. In addition to

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting 22nd March 2016

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 22nd March, 2016 (7:30pm)   In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chair), Mr N Bankes (Vice-Chair), Mr I Franklin, Mr A Crossley, Ms A Pasco,                       Mr George Martin, Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk),                                                                                Ms L Merry, Ms J Merry, Mr C Soper, Mr H Terry (Parishioners) Apologies: Mr K Atack for early departure to attend another meeting.   1.    Minutes of previous meeting.(16th February  2016) Approved and signed. 2.    Matters arising from previous minutes (1). HS2 Update Mr Bankes reported that the next step was for the Action Group to meet with Victoria Prentis MP to put pressure on HS2 and OCC in respect of

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting, 16th February 2016

Minutes of the Wardington Parish Council Meeting Location:  Wardington Memorial Hall Date: Tuesday, 16th February, 2016 (7:30pm) In Attendance: Mr G Page (Chair), Mr N Bankes (Vice-Chair), Mr I Franklin, Mr A Crossley,  Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr B Jarrett (Clerk), Mr P Mason (Parishioner), Mr R Anson (Parishioner), Apologies: Mr M Patterson, Mrs A Pasco, Mr G. Martin, Mr K Atack for late arrival..   1.    The ‘Pond’ opposite Chapel Cottages. Mr Bankes chaired this item as it directly concerned Mr Page. Mr Mason and Mr Anson attended the meeting to formally object to the fence that had been erected in front of the ‘pond’ by Mr Page. The ‘pond is on unregistered land. Their objections were:- i. 

Parish Council Minutes (April)

Minutes of the Meeting of Wardington Parish Council held on Tuesday 21st April 2015 at 7.30pm in Wardington Memorial Hall In Attendance:  Mr G Page (Chair), Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr N Bankes, Mr R Fenemore, Mr G Martin, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr M Patterson, Mr M Hickman (Clerk) Apologies: Mr J Murray Minutes of the Previous Meeting (March 24th): Agreed and signed Matters arising from previous meetings 1.1 HS2 A report on HS2 produced by the clerk was sent to the councillors prior to the meeting. It was agreed the report made it clear that Wardington has been overlooked by the HS2 bill Equally clear is the large increase in traffic flow anticipated during construction and beyond. Any information (e.g. structural

Parish Council Minutes (March)

Minutes of the Meeting of Wardington Parish Council held on Tuesday 24th March 2015 at 7.30pm in Wardington Memorial Hall In Attendance:  Mr G Page (Chair), Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr N Bankes, Mr R Fenemore, Mr G Martin, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr M Patterson, Mr M Hickman (Clerk) Visitors: Mr Nigel Gellatly (Chairman of Chipping Warden & Edgecote Parish Council),       Mr Ian Thompson (Parishioner)   Apologies: Mr J Murray Minutes of the Previous Meeting (February 17th): Agreed and signed New business: HS2 Mr Nigel Gellatly spoke to the council about the HS2 bill. He reported that during HS2 construction it is estimated that there will be up to 1300 large goods vehicles travelling daily on the A361 through Wardington to the HS2

Parish Council Minutes (February)

Minutes of the Meeting of Wardington Parish Council held on Tuesday 17th February 2014 at 7.30pm in Wardington Memorial Hall In Attendance:  Mr G Page (Chair), Mr K Atack (District Councillor), Mr N Bankes, Mr R Fenemore, Mrs A Pascoe, Mr M Hickman (Clerk) Apologies: Mr G Martin, Mr J Murray, Mr M Patterson Minutes of the Previous Meeting (January 15th): Agreed and signed Matters Arising 1.1. Wardington Playground Advertising poster for the Playground 200 Club to be displayed in the Hare & Hounds, The Plough and on the village noticeboards. Contact Mitch (Clerk) at wardingtonparishcouncil@hotmail.co.uk if you wish to contribute £1 and enter the prize draw. George Page to communicate with party willing to undertake the upcoming playground inspection. 1.2. Social Housing


1. MATTERS ARISING : It was noted that the Geoff Amos village bus service had been reduced with the first and last buses removed. The Clerk had contacted the company who stated that it was for financial reasons due to the loss of county council subsidies and the services not being used enough to be viable without the subsidies. The clerk was to again request the salting of the bus route through the village as this was not being done and also down by the Hare where the slope is used extensively by delivery vehicles and for turning. 2. PLANNING: Reduction in window size at development at Church Cottage – 10/01655/F. Council raised no objections. 3. A361 FLOOD ALEVIATION SCHEME

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